
Response to Feedback

After receiving feedback and analyzing the questions raised during the SkyCanvas presentation, I have identified useful points that enhance the new product and considerations that impact the feasibility of the project. I will discuss each point and its implications:

Drones in no-fly areas: The set locations provided for customers to choose from ensure that the drones are legally flown. By adhering to regulations and operating within authorised areas, we can mitigate any concerns regarding restricted airspace.

Capacity of drones in an area: The number of drones required for a display will depend on the level of detail desired by the customer. Offering different pricing options based on the number of drones provides flexibility and caters to various budgets and display requirements.

Explicit content uploads: Implementing a review process for all submitted images or videos ensures that offensive or explicit content is not displayed. By promptly notifying customers and requesting an alternative image, we maintain the integrity and appropriateness of SkyCanvas displays.

Human intervention for photo displays: The conversion of photos into an AI-compatible format is primarily an automated process. However, in rare cases where the uploaded image may not be compatible, the customer may need to upload a new image. Human intervention would be minimal, focusing on ensuring a smooth conversion process.

Weather conditions: The quality of the drones used by SkyCanvas plays a crucial role in withstanding adverse weather conditions. By investing in high-quality drones, we can minimise disruptions caused by inclement weather, enhancing the reliability and feasibility of the project.

Service cost: The cost of the SkyCanvas service will vary depending on the duration and complexity of the display. Providing transparent pricing options ranging from £50 to £100 caters to different customer preferences and budgets.

Confirmation of display receipt: While there may not be immediate confirmation of the customer receiving the display, a dedicated contact page is available for customers to report any issues or concerns. The SkyCanvas team will review and address any feedback promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

Flight time: The duration of still image displays can range from 5 minutes to an hour, allowing customers to customise their desired experience. For video displays, the flight time will depend on the duration of the submitted video.

Drone origin and maintenance: SkyCanvas drones are stored, charged, and maintained at designated SkyCanvas facility zones across various locations in the UK. Regular maintenance checks and repairs conducted at these facilities ensure the drones' optimal performance.

Regarding the consideration of sending a display to someone specific without explicit permission, it is crucial to prioritise privacy and consent. SkyCanvas would require explicit confirmation or consent from the intended recipient before delivering a display to ensure ethical and responsible practices.

In conclusion, the feedback received during the SkyCanvas presentation provided valuable insights and considerations. By addressing concerns related to flight regulations, capacity, content review, weather conditions, service costs, customer communication, flight time, drone maintenance, and privacy, we can enhance the feasibility and success of the project. These considerations enable us to deliver an exceptional and responsible visual display experience to our customers while maintaining compliance with legal, ethical, and social standards.
