
Traditional media roles / New emerging roles

In this report, I will be comparing traditional media job roles to newer, more advanced and emerging job roles that come with technology constantly expanding. In the ever-evolving media sector, the landscape of job roles is continuously changing, and these changes will undoubtedly impact my proposal for SkyCanvas. I will explore the traditional job roles within the media sector, such as producers, camera persons, and footage editors, and compare them to emerging roles like production editors and prosumers, considering their attributes, skills, and personal and professional characteristics.

Traditional job roles in the media sector have played a crucial role in content creation and production. Producers are responsible for overseeing the entire production process, from conceptualization to execution, and require attributes such as strong organizational skills, leadership, and creativity. Camera persons capture visual content using their technical expertise, creativity, and an eye for detail, ensuring high-quality footage. Footage editors utilize their technical proficiency, storytelling skills, and attention to detail to craft compelling narratives through post-production editing.

However, with the advancement of technology and the emergence of new media platforms, new job roles have come into play. Production editors have become essential in managing the entire production process, coordinating various teams, and ensuring seamless workflow. They require strong communication and organizational skills, along with an understanding of digital platforms and trends.

The rise of prosumers, individuals who both produce and consume media, has also impacted the media sector. Prosumers blur the line between traditional roles, as they possess a combination of technical skills, creativity, and a deep understanding of digital platforms. They contribute to the democratization of media, allowing individuals to create and distribute content independently.

These emerging job roles will have several impacts on my proposal for SkyCanvas. A production editor will play a vital role in coordinating the drone light displays, ensuring timely execution, and managing the creative process. They will oversee the integration of customer-submitted content, ensuring that the displays align with the desired themes and aesthetics.

Furthermore, prosumers can contribute to the development of SkyCanvas by actively participating in content creation. They can generate and share captivating footage of the drone displays, leveraging their skills to enhance brand visibility and engagement on social media platforms.

In summary, the changing job roles within the media sector will significantly impact my proposal for SkyCanvas. As production editors and prosumers gain prominence, their unique attributes, skills, and personal and professional characteristics will shape the execution and success of the project. By embracing these new roles and leveraging their contributions, SkyCanvas can thrive in the dynamic media landscape and provide innovative and captivating experiences for our target audience
