
How Negative Impacts Will Be Minimised

In critically evaluating the negative impacts of converging technology, it is crucial to identify potential challenges that could arise in the implementation of our proposed SkyCanvas product campaign. In this report, I will be re-discussing the feedback that I received during the presentation and explain what measures I have taken to mitigate issues. While there are several concerns that were raised during the feedback session, I will focus on those I believe could have a significant impact and discuss how we can minimize their effects.

One potential challenge that needs careful consideration is the issue of drones operating in restricted or no-fly areas. To ensure compliance with regulations and prevent any legal complications, we will establish a thorough system for selecting pre-approved locations where the drones can safely operate. By working closely with local authorities and aviation regulatory bodies, we can identify areas that are suitable for our displays and obtain the necessary permissions and permits. This proactive approach will minimize the risk of unauthorized drone flights and any associated legal consequences.

Another concern is the possibility of offensive or explicit content being uploaded for display. To address this issue, we have implemented a stringent review process wherein every image or video submitted by customers is carefully screened by our team. In the event that explicit content is detected, we will promptly inform the customer and request them to upload an appropriate replacement. By maintaining a vigilant and responsive content moderation system, we can ensure that offensive material is not displayed, minimizing any potential negative impact on stakeholders and the wider audience.

Additionally, adverse weather conditions can pose a challenge to the successful execution of our displays. While we cannot control the weather, we can mitigate its impact by investing in high-quality drones that are built to withstand various weather conditions. By selecting drones with advanced stability features and weather-resistant components, we can minimize the risk of disruptions due to unfavorable weather. Moreover, we will closely monitor weather forecasts and implement a system to reschedule or provide alternative options for customers in case of inclement conditions.

Furthermore, it is important to address the concern regarding the confirmation of display receipt without any issues. To ensure effective communication and prompt resolution of any concerns, we will establish a dedicated contact page on our website and app. Customers will be encouraged to provide feedback and report any issues they may have encountered during or after the display. Our team will promptly review and respond to these inquiries, providing reassurance to customers and demonstrating our commitment to addressing any issues that may arise.

By acknowledging and proactively addressing these potential challenges, I aim to minimize their impact on our SkyCanvas product campaign. Through careful location selection, robust content moderation, investment in weather-resistant drones, and an efficient customer communication system, I strive to deliver a seamless and positive experience for the stakeholders. Our commitment to regulatory compliance, responsible content management, and customer satisfaction will help me mitigate the negative impacts associated with converging technology, ensuring the success and sustainability of the proposed product.
